Product quality check in China

International trade poses lots of challenges for importers. One of the biggest challenges, is making sure that the quality and quantity of shipped products are up to par with previously made arrangements with the seller. In order to be certain that a variety of issues does not suddenly arise, importers undertake different approaches and methods. Most efficient is to quality check, both the process of production, as well as the the finished products.

What is quality check?

Quality check is a basic tool used in import safety. During the import process, it eliminates potential risk which may include quality, quantity and technical mistakes. Each quality control is conducted parallel to the country’s norms, regulations and client guidelines. Depending on the need, client may be able to deliver his or her own, individual quality control plan. Therefore, a client may desire to conduct additional testing in order to check if the quality of the product corresponds to previous arrangements made in a contract. At the end of each quality control the importer receives a final rapport. Document includes photographs and/or videos, observations, data and calculations, depending on the needs of our clients.

International trade poses lots of challenges for importers. One of the biggest challenges, is making sure that the quality and quantity of shipped products are up to par with previously made arrangements with the seller. In order to be certain that a variety of issues does not suddenly arise, importers undertake different approaches and methods. Most efficient is to quality check, both the process of production, as well as the finished products.

What is quality check?

Quality checkis a basic tool used in import safety. During the import process, it eliminates potential risk which may include quality, quantity and technical mistakes. Each quality control is conducted parallel to the country’s norms, regulations and client guidelines.

Depending on the need, client may be able to deliver his or her own, individual quality control plan. Therefore, a client may desire to conduct additional testing in order to check if the quality of the product corresponds to previous arrangements made in a contract. At the end of each quality control the importer receives a final rapport. Document includes photographs and/or videos, observations, data and calculations, depending on the needs of our customers.

International trade poses lots of challenges for importers. One of the biggest challenges, is making sure that the quality and quantity of shipped products are up to par with previously made arrangements with the seller. In order to be certain that a variety of issues does not suddenly arise, importers undertake different approaches and methods. Most efficient it to quality check, both the process of production, as well as the finished products.

What is quality check?

Quality check is a basic tool used in import safety. During the import process, it eliminates potential risk which may include quality, quantity and technical mistakes. Each quality control is conducted parallel to the country’s norms, regulations and client guidelines. Depending on the need, client may be able to deliver his or her own, individual quality control plan. Therefore, a client may desire to conduct additional testing in order to check if the quality of the product corresponds to previous arrangements made in a contract. At the end of each quality control the importer receives a final rapport. Document includes photographs and/or videos, observations, data and calculations, depending on the needs of our clients.

What are the kinds of quality check and when are they performed?

Technically, quality check is conducted after an agreement with the supplier. Then usually it is best to recommend a meeting before signing a contract. Such a meeting is conducted by a qualified inspector. It often consists of a final confirmation note from the factory, presenting all product parameters as well as designated future inspection plans. Such actions strengthen the position of the importer in business relations with the Chinese. And it is very important – especially during a long-term partnership. Informing the supplier that quality check will be carried out at certain points during the production is essential. It demonstrates the importer’s professional approach and care. In addition, submitting inspection plans to the supplier shows seriousness in conducting business matters. Supplier will be more serious about order because he wants to minimize potential losses and avoid risks at all costs. If the quality control inspector discovers discrepancies in the first mode of production, than customer may decide to reject the defective products and halt transportation of them until a qualified replacement or repair is made.

Depending on the order. quality control is performed before, during, and after production. It is also recommended to perform a control check before shipment, as well as during product loading. We currently offer six types of quality control:

Raw material quality check is performed before production begins. It is meant to check the raw materials and components that will be used for production itself. This allows us to detect any fault or non-compliant items at early stage.

Quality check during production is highly recommended during the first collaboration with the supplier. Also when the first basic sketch of the product has been modified. This type of control is also very important in OEM production, where the product was entirely designed by the client and is not regularly offered by the supplier.

Production monitoring is usually performed for larger, more complex orders. Production of some goods may take up to half a year. In such a case, where production involves large and complicated machines, it is difficult to control all parts after the production has been finished and the machine has been assembled.

Pre-shipment quality check is, without a doubt, mandatory for all importers. Pre-shipment quality control check is carried out when at least 80% of the goods have been ready. It aims to obtain information about the product’s defects and the percentage of defective products in the order, while the product is still at the supplier’s warehouse.

Loading supervision ensures that the supplier has packaged correct products in the right amounts within the container. Through loading documentation and seal placement, the risk of a wrongful product error is eliminated.

Laboratory tests focus various types of products, in order to ensure compliance with international safety standards and applicable norms.

What are the kinds of quality check and when are they performed?

Technically, quality check is conducted after an agreement with the supplier. Then usually it is best to recommend a meeting before signing a contract. Such a meeting is conducted by a qualified inspector. It often consists of a final confirmation note from the factory, presenting all product parameters as well as designated future inspection plans. Such actions strengthen the position of the importer in business relations with the Chinese. And it is very important – especially during a long-term partnership. Informing the supplier that quality check will be carried out at certain points during the production is essential. It demonstrates the importer’s professional approach and care. In addition, submitting inspection plans to the supplier shows seriousness in conducting business matters. Supplier will be more serious about order because he wants to minimize potential losses and avoid risks at all costs. If the quality control inspector discovers discrepancies in the first mode of production, than customer may decide to reject the defective products and halt transportation of them until a qualified replacement or repair is made.

Depending on the order. quality control is performed before, during, and after production. It is also recommended to perform a control check before shipment, as well as during product loading. We currently offer six types of quality control:

Raw material quality check is performed before production begins. It is meant to check the raw materials and components that will be used for production itself. This allows us to detect any fault or non-compliant items at early stage.


Quality check during production is highly recommended during the first collaboration with the supplier. Also when the first basic sketch of the product has been modified. This type of control is also very important in OEM production, where the product was entirely designed by the client and is not regularly offered by the supplier.


Production monitoring is usually performed for larger, more complex orders. Production of some goods may take up to half a year. In such a case, where production involves large and complicated machines, it is difficult to control all parts after the production has been finished and the machine has been assembled.


Pre-shipment quality check is, without a doubt, mandatory for all importers. Pre-shipment quality control check is carried out when at least 80% of the goods have been ready. It aims to obtain information about the product’s defects and the percentage of defective products in the order, while the product is still at the supplier’s warehouse.


Loading supervision ensures that the supplier has packaged correct products in the right amounts within the container. Through loading documentation and seal placement, the risk of a wrongful product error is eliminated.


Laboratory tests focus on various types of products, in order to ensure compliance with international safety standards and applicable norms.













How does application and quality control process look like?

  • The importer emails a filled-out form in order to receive a quote and service quality control.
  • Based on the guidelines provided, an inspection plan is drafted and prepared.
  • After accepting the quality control plan, the importer pays for the ordered inspection and receives a scheduled date.
  • TISCO contacts the factory to confirm the date and place of the inspection.
  • An experienced, qualified inspector arrives at the exporter’s factory at a set time and conducts the scheduled quality control service.
  • After completing the inspection, we send our clients the final report. File is supplemented with photo documentation, as well as the expert’s opinion. On the basis of the final report, the customer may decide to accept the products and agree to their transport, or reject the defective products and suspend transport until they are replaced or repaired.













How does application and quality control process look like?

  • The importer emails a filled-out form in order to receive a quote and service quality control.
  • Based on the guidelines provided, an inspection plan is drafted and prepared.
  • After accepting the quality control plan, the importer pays for the ordered inspection and receives a scheduled date.
  • TISCO contacts the factory to confirm the date and place of the inspection.
  • An experienced, qualified inspector arrives at the exporter’s factory at a set time and conducts the scheduled quality control service.
  • After completing the inspection, we send our clients the final report. File is supplemented with photo documentation, as well as the expert’s opinion. On the basis of the final report, the customer may decide to accept the products and agree to their transport, or reject the defective products and suspend transport until they are replaced or repaired.